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Republican Study Committee Unveils Plan to Save Our Democracy

January 15, 2021

WASHINGTON – Today, Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Banks (IN-03) is introducing an important new piece of legislation called the Save Democracy Act. This legislation has received the formal backing of the Republican Study Committee and addresses one of the top issue areas Chairman Banks has prioritized for the 117th Congress: Restoring Trust in Elections. Please find a statement below: 

“The Republican Study Committee formally endorses the Save Democracy Act that would ensure free and fair federal elections in 2022, 2024 and the years to come. It is our duty to protect and uphold the democratic process and restore public trust in our election system.” 

Chairman Jim Banks said: “This bill will restore the public’s trust that their vote is counted and their voice is heard.” 

Heritage Action Executive Director Jessica Anderson said: “I applaud Chairman Banks and members of the RSC for putting forward real solutions to help protect the integrity of our elections and the sanctity of the vote.  The Save Democracy Act will protect against fraud, ensuring our next election is safer and more secure." 

Rep. Rick Allen said: “Voting is the most important tool in which we shape our republic. Too many Americans have lost faith in the integrity of our elections, and it is incumbent on leaders at all levels to work together to implement safeguards to strengthen and restore faith in the process. The Save Democracy Act will help to ensure that only legal votes are counted through necessary reforms to registering voters, casting ballots and tabulating ballots.” 

Rep. Kelly Armstrong said: “Ensuring integrity of elections is a cornerstone of our American republic. I strongly oppose federal control of our election process, and this bill enacts commonsense, limited reforms to federal election laws to ensure that the states have the tools needed to securely and fairly conduct our elections and restore faith in our democratic process.” 

Rep. Jodey Arrington said: “Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our constitutional republic. We must restore America’s confidence in the integrity of our elections, which was seriously undermined by the weak and unreliable voting rules in the 2020 Presidential Election. The Save Democracy Act will protect states’ sovereignty while ensuring integrity for all through basic standards and safeguards in national elections.” 

Rep. Ted Budd said: “The 2020 election exposed the need for wholesale reform of our elections. In the end, faith in our government is at stake. Faith in our institutions rests on whether or not people believe that their vote counts. The way to restore this faith is to demonstrate that we hear the American people’s concerns and act accordingly. Chairman Banks’ Save Democracy Act goes a long way to restore election integrity and I thank him for taking the lead on this.” 

Rep. Kat Cammack said: “The Save Democracy Act will improve security and administration measures to protect the integrity of our electoral system. The 2020 presidential election revealed glaring weaknesses that must be addressed and this bill will take the necessary steps to make sure Americans have confidence in their sacred right to vote.” 

Rep. Lance Gooden said: “Americans should have faith their legal vote isn’t being drowned out by ballots cast illegally. We must prevent any problems that occurred during the 2020 election from happening again.” 

Rep. Kevin Hern said: “The Save Democracy Act will restore confidence in American elections and ensure that when you cast your vote, that vote is safe. After past elections, millions of Americans raised concerns about the security of their votes from attackers both foreign and domestic. Where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire – even the appearance of corruption must be rooted out. These common-sense reforms would give Americans the assurance they need to vote with confidence and trust the results.” 

Rep. Yvette Herrel said: “The Elections Clause of the U.S. Constitution empowers Congress to make or alter state election regulations at any time. The reforms included in the Save Democracy Act – from citizenship and voter verification requirements to ballot integrity measures – are essential to restoring Americans’ faith in the fairness of our elections.”

 Rep. Ronnie Jackson said: “As we look to heal from a tumultuous election cycle, election integrity will be a critical issue to address. We cannot allow our elections to become so clouded with doubt that distrust becomes the new norm. Congress must do its job to give Americans confidence in their vote and to crack down on opportunities for fraud. That is why I signed on as an original co-sponsor to the Save Democracy Act, which includes commonsense reforms to voter registration, ballot casting, and ballot tabulation processes in federal elections.”

 Rep. Nicole Malliotakis said: I’m proud to join Chairman Banks to push the Save Democracy Act that will secure voter registration, protect ballot casting and safeguard ballot tabulation. Nothing is more important than the integrity of our election system and it is past time for Congress to come together and work in a bipartisan fashion to improve it, eliminate irregularities and fraud and ensure that election security is no longer debated in the future.”

Rep. August Pfluger said: “The people of the 11th District of Texas demand secure and transparent elections. In that effort, I am proud to support the Save Democracy Act to address key failures in our electoral system including voter registration, ballot casting, and ballot counting. It is imperative that Congress moves to restore the faith in our democratic process and bring certitude to every American.”   

 List of Original Cosponsors:
Kat Cammack (R-FL)                 Yvette Herrell (R-NM)

Clay Higgins (R-LA)                   Dan Meuser (R-PA)

Andy Barr (R-KY)                       Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY)

Brad Wenstrup (R-OH)              Ronny Jackson (R-TX)

Lance Gooden (R-TX)                Kelly Armstrong (R-ND)

Jackie Walorski (R-IN)                Brian Babin (R-TX)

W. Gregory Steube (R-FL)           Michael Waltz (R-FL)

Ralph Norman (R-SC)                 Kevin Hern (R-OK)

Bob Good (R-VA)                        Ted Budd (R-NC)

Tim Walberg (R-MI)                    Randy Weber (R-TX)

David McKinley (R-WV)              Rick Allen (R-GA)

August Pfluger (R-TX)                 Robert B. Aderholt (R-AL)

Jodey Arrington (R-TX)                Jeff Duncan (R-SC)

Austin Scott (R-GA)                     Bob Gibbs (R-OH)

Bill Posey (R-FL)                          Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA)



The Save Democracy Act would prohibit or reform current practices that weaken the security, oversight, and administration of elections for federal office. The Save Democracy Act would enhance federal election integrity by addressing three key areas: (1) Voter Registration; (2) Casting of Ballots; (3) Tabulation of Ballots.  

Voter Registration:

·         Prohibits automatic voter registration for federal elections.

·         Requires voter citizenship verification to register to vote in federal elections.

·         Requires full Social Security Numbers (SSN) to register to vote in federal elections. 

·         Requires federal courts to notify state election officials when an individual is excused from jury duty because they are not a citizen.  

Casting of Ballots:

·         Prohibit states from sending out unrequested absentee ballots for federal elections.

·         Bars anyone other than the voter, an election official, or the post office from submitting a ballot to a polling location during federal elections.

·         Prohibits use of public ballot collection boxes in federal elections.

·         Requires that absentee ballots be received by the close of election day for federal elections.

·         Requires a voter to provide proof of I.D. for absentee voting and in-person voting in federal elections, creating equal treatment for all ballots.

·         Requires voters to produce a matching SSN printed on their ballot in federal elections. Additionally, requires election officials to cross-check the SSN on a ballot with the voter’s registration and submit such data to Congress. 

·         Maintains current protections for military and overseas voters.  

Tabulation of Ballots:

·         Requires that at least two representatives of each Presidential campaign in a general election be permitted to observe polls and vote counting operations.

·         Requires that ballot counting, once begun, continue until completed—no delays or pauses.

·         Requires the audit of ballot tabulation systems within the 30-day period following a federal election.

Issues: Congress